Contractors are on the podium, so to speak, with tech companies and researchers frantically vying for their feedback on the future of contech. Who is using construction technology? What are they using? What are they doing with it?
Keeping proprietary information out of the equation, there are some clear trends in how and why contractors are dipping into their digital toolbelts, the most prominent of which is cloud computing. More than anything else, contractors are using cloud technology to manage their projects, keep costs under control, provide better customer service, and increase staff productivity.
It wasn’t long ago (say, 2012) that just 16% of surveyed contractors in the US were cloud computing. The rest? Most had never heard of the term. Fast-forward to 2017 and 59% of surveyed contractors were killing it in the cloud and thought it was undoubtedly the future. Once aging hardware is out of the way and drum-tight deadlines become the norm for a company, the transition to the cloud is simpler because it means faster communication, automatic updating, and seamless integration between programs.
As the contech industry moves forward, here are the top three trends predicted to shine in cloud computing for construction companies in 2019 and beyond.
- Software as a service (SaaS) moves on to make office and jobsite life easier than ever. Transitional programs mean better integration between competing brands so everyone wins.
- Hosted cloud services are the cream of the crop for contractors, especially large companies who wish to do away with IT departments and infrastructure and have someone else manage it from afar.
- Hybrid cloud options are looking promising as they become a standard way to give contractors control over what information stays heavily guarded and secure and what takes advantage of the efficiencies offered by the public cloud system. ■