Searching long lists of products for the exact item you need can take up valuable time that could be better spent building the business or enhancing productivity. Not to mention that, realistically, most tradespeople tend to have their own list of favorite or most commonly used products they like and select for each type of work they do, because having such a list speeds up their ordering and installation process.
BuildCentrix recently rolled out a new Palette feature for building 3D takeoffs and blueprint takeoffs. It gives users the ability to build their own picklist of products to build takeoffs even faster and easier. Now, not only can each user create their own palette of products for specific types of wet or dry systems, but also, shop managers can create palettes and share them with the entire crew.
Using the new Palette feature means users can create a takeoff then create and select a Palette of products—such as “chill water return” on the wet side or “return air” on the dry side—for the type of system they are building. No more wasting time searching or making do—users can simply choose the palette, drop the products into the takeoff, and send it in for fabrication.

To create individual palettes or set up group palettes for the crew, simply log into BuildCentrix and select the 3D Takeoff option in the product menu. Select Palettes on the left-hand menu and start creating. For more information on palettes or any other BCX feature email [email protected] ■